On the market should first ensure good communication with its employees. A satisfied employee is the best ambassador of the company! The key to building a well-coordinated, satisfied team is effective internal PR. What is internal PR? What is internal PR? Do you want to improve internal PR in your company? How to improve internal PR? What is internal PR? The goal of internal PR is to build a positive image of the company in the eyes of employees and their environment (e.g. families). To implement PR assumptions, efficient, two-way communication between the employee and the company is necessary.
Harvard Business School research shows that over 70% of communication crises in companies are caused by current or former employees. What is internal PR? Lack of attention to relations within the employee group, and thus negative opinions of employees about Australia Phone Number List company, may have a negative impact on the functioning of the entire enterprise. Interestingly, ineffective internal communication can generate losses of PLN 40,000 per year... per employee! With a dozen or even a few employees, this amount can become exorbitant.
Do you want to improve internal PR in your company? Together we will do it effectively! Enter your email address and we will contact you Therefore, there is no doubt that efficient internal communication is an important pillar of the functioning of every company. Thanks to it, it is possible to quickly overcome obstacles and achieve set business goals. Companies that know what PR and internal communication are and are aware of the benefits it can bring are willing to invest in it. And that's why they are successful.